The Early modern era was a significant historical period from the 15th century to the 18th century. The images below are going to show examples of how World War I was evaluated and perceived by Three different artists. Otto Dix painted Soldiers' Grave Between the Lines in 1924, It is one of the many paintings in this series. Dix was an artillery gunner in the trenches at the Somme and on the Eastern Front during World War I. The picture above focused on what was left of the battle and what happened. He described it as dead, dying, bombed-out landscapes and graves. Dix is also known for his harsh depictions of the way and the impacts of society. This gives a historical and personal background since he was part of World War I fitting it into the early modern era. This painting uses a lot of Space with the etchings and the texture of graves and cross, Shapes play a big part in this painting to outline what is being portrayed. When I looked at this painting I felt the dar...