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Non Western exibit

In Japan during a period between 1603-1868 was called the Edo Period also it has been known as the Tokugawa Period. The Edo Period was catigorized by economic growth,strict social order,Isolationist foregon policies, stable population and overall peace. Below are three different artists that show the differance in styles during this period.It was filled with richness and wealth you will be able to feel it with these paintings. 


Katsushika Hokudsi created The Great Wave Off Kanagwa in 1831  its 25.7cmx37.9cm on a woodblock print, Its a ukiyo-e style. The painting is of three boats moving through a storm in the sea with cresting eaves forming, Mount Fuji is in the background. This print of this painting became the artist most famous print that many musiums. The perssian blue was a game changer for Japanese prints, it was a graphical perspective developed in Europe. I chose this artwork because it is one of the most popular styles during this time and i grew up learning about it in art classes. Hokudsi uses a lot of line work to show the waves capsizing he uses different values of blue and white, also The form of the waves is about 2d/3d. 


Ogata Korin created Cranes in late 17th-18th centurey in Japan  its 166x371cm. Bold colors were influental during the Edo period it was a feeling of richness Behind them are waves and gold leafed clouds. Korin was part of the Rimpa school which is considered a rich decrorative style. He uses a lot of texture within the birds and the shapes of the waves enough thoug you would not think that they were waves gives it more of a classy feel to it, the color pallate he uses is very dark with the gold  as a bright color. I chose this for the style it was vastly different for this time period. This one is one of my favorite ones its simple but it feels rich with the color choices. Its more of an impressonist style 

Tosa Mitsunori created The night atttack of the sanjo palace created between 1650-1700,This one is a little different than the others this is actually a scroll of the heiji Insurrection of 1159-60  this was a short war with two other famous conflicts with a before and after. This is a unique artistry of this time period, something that was different than a normal panting or a woodblock. It uses a lot of shapes for each scene of each part of the scroll. There is a lot of space within the scroll but i feel as though it is used to break up scene of what is going on. This is an interesting concept of the growth of that time period. 


“Night Attack on the Sanjô Palace (Article).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy, Accessed 25 Apr. 2024.

“The Great Wave Off Kanagawa.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Apr. 2024,

“Edo Period.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Apr. 2024,

“Cranes|about the Works|tsuzuri Project.” TSUZURI Project|Canon, Accessed 25 Apr. 2024.


  1. Janae ; The great wave is kinda relaxing. I love the colors and the little boats are very hidden. To think Cranes go as far back in art as Egypt . The texture in the birds is very great to see. I dont exactly know what is going on in the third picture.


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